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Sunday, May 8, 2011

you are the best mother i ever had


my mom ZALINA BT AZMAN with my untie MELATI AZMAN
wish luck for what ever you done for both of you
here I want to give a speech to all the mothers in this world
especially for my mom, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY may god give enough strength to raise your children, may face tough challenges.
to my mom, I want you to know that I will always love you because:
  1. you who bore me.
  2. you also take me and take care of me while I was in the womb.
  3. you are always giving me pointers.
  4. you feed me in a while im doing a mistakes.
  5. you send me to school or even to work.
  6. you never tired of advising and reminding me.
  7. you are very sporting and I understand.
  8. are you mad but you love me.
  9. you push and lift my spirits.
  10. you are the greatest mother I had.
kisses <3

wait ! wait ! wait ! HEHE jangan lah tinggal kan page eyka dulu sebelum vote eyka. Jom vote eyka melalui button klik kat bawah nie. Thanks my hunny bunny <3

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