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Sunday, May 2, 2010

"SETASE" aha seronok n ta seronok *acaca sajaaaa ha

yg seronokkk nye, muke ak da kelua majalahh, wew-itttt, poyo bolee, majalah RATU SEHARI ehem, tapi en en, ta beli laaa, malasss, mahal doee majalahh tuh, busu da beli, tapayahhh aa bli lagi en, hee, tuhh yg time ak show bulan feb arituh, gala pengantin, auw-www
yg ta seronok nyee pulakk, comp under college cmunity tuhh spatot nye na buatt 1mei2010, pastuh pospone 8mei2010 pulakkk, then pospone 22mei2010 pulakkk, lyaa yg cakapp mende uhh comfirm buatt 22mei2010, enta aa, pas niehh lau pospone lagi, baik ak tarik diri jeee, haha, biaaa dsingner tuhh cari model lain *ta baikk ka, haha
haiyaaa, sok skolahh en, pgi pgi ak ta pegy kt perhimpunan, kene g klas addmath ouh, tpi tapee, ak minat subject tuh en, so no poblem lahhh, haha, cehhh smangat pulakk, tape lahh, korban masee 2010 untok blajaa, pasnieh ta payahh na perah otak lagi dahhh, hehe, ade ade jee en ak niehhh.
hari smakin na gelap n betambahh gelapp, mase untok sleep, sokk skolahhh en, nunytee oke, do follow do comment, hehe, byebye

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